Unanswered Questions

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    Various Questions that have come up in the series, and still don't have an answer. Please keep them in chronological order.

    [U]How did the outbreak start?[/U]
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    [*]Could happen in rings around certain areas in cities.
    [*]Happened in islands like hawaii were they differed from the zombies at the tower.
    [*]Couldn't have been by accident as it happened in several different areas all at the same time.

    [U]How do the zombies decide between turning a human or using them as food[/U]
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    [*]At a store during the first supply run, half of the bodies were human while the other half were infected.
    [*]A pile of infected bodies were kept outside of the arena.
    [*]Inside the arena there was a pile of human remains used as food.

    [U]Why does Scratch recognize Angel?[/U]
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    [*]Angel wanted to simply kill her and Latch when they first arrived at the Tower.

    [U]What happened to Michael at the pumping station?[/U]

    [U]Who is Randy?[/U]

    [U]How did Skittles survive without being captured by the zombies[/U]
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    [*]Knew about The One with Markings
    [*]Stayed away from the Arena

    [U]Who tipped off the Mallers with the radio?[/U]
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    [*]Kelly tried to organize the first mutiny
    [*]People were in talks about somebody else taking over
    [*]Shots were fired from a 3rd floor window
    [*]Bill stole supplies from Riley's Shop and Burt's Gun Store
    [*]Bill had a rather eerie moment when the Mallers showed up. He said that the party didn't have to stop just because the lights were out and then laughed a rather creepy laugh
    [*]Bill shouted an invite (when possibly drunk) from a window for the Mallers to join the party
    [*]Although Michael and Burt defended Bill for "fighting alongside them 'til the bitter end", Bill never actually fired a shot against the Mallers. He was killed in a pipe bomb explosion shortly after coming down with his shotgun
    [*]Bill's last words were "I'm sorry"
    [*]In Episode 13, the missing ammo is found in the elevator that was used to bring up the generator. Datu recalls Bill having seen how they disabled the elevator.
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