The Symbols

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[top]Inks Tattoos

Before he was to appear in court; Ink bribed several guards at the jail where he was being held to have tattooing equipment and a large number of pens smuggled into his cell. He also paid an inmate (name) to tattoo him with symbols using the ink from the pens(and an all over bluish tint--according to artwork). Although the news broadcast that was found on the DVR in the Tower said that he was "Tattooed from head to foot." Thus far, only one of his hands and his face have been depicted in artwork. Verbal descriptions are vague, referring to coloring and markings.

Since he was a scientist, and some of the symbols seen in artwork of his face and hands are a type of chemical notation; it is assumed he chose at least some of the symbols used. However, many seem to be magical or religious in nature. Symbols include words in Chinese, Voodoo loas, and alchemical code.

[top]Symbol Information and Background

The use of alchemical, religious and Chinese symbols has been found in Ink’s multitude of tattoos and other areas of the show. These were first seen in the cover art for Chapter 27 and their possible significance to the overall plot was initially discussed by Red Shirt in the zombie theories.

The symbols play a large role in Chapter 42-3 when Carl, Puck, Muldoon and Robbins investigate the prison. They find a wing in solitary with doors labeled with various symbols. These symbols are described verbatim as:

1. A three-lines rainbow with a five-lined fan beneath it
2. A fish on fire
3. Snake
4. Bird foot
5. Cross with a triangle
6. Egyptian eye

During the discussion of Chapter 42-3 Kc provided a full face picture of Ink. With help from Footbutt and FunkyDung this picture was lightened up enough to make out many of the symbols on Ink’s face. Some of the symbols found on Ink’s face match those found in the cover art for Chapter 27 and the symbols described in Chapter 42-3.

Kc mentioned that the “fish on fire” symbol cannot be seen in either of the available pictures. One other picture does exist in the cover art for Chapter 11. Unfortunately, this picture does not provide enough detail to be able to make out any specific symbols on the back of Ink’s head.

Here is a map of the symbols found in the picture of Ink’s face and those in the cover art of Chapter 27: Attachment 2959
A starting point for the description and possible meanings of the symbols is here: Attachment 2960

The following is a list of the symbols as listed in the prior picture. Each number corresponds with the number on the picture and is followed by a description of the marking or, when possible, the name of the symbol (if undisputed). If there are multiple origins and meanings for a symbol, they will be marked to show which meaning corresponds to which origin. For example:
18. Circle with a Horizontal line through it
Location: Right side of nose
Possible Origins:
1. Alchemical
2. Greek
Possible Meanings:
1. Salt
2. Theta
In this example, salt is the meaning under Alchemy and Theta is the meaning in Greek.


1. Chemical formula
Location: Head, top right
Possible Origins: Chemistry
Possible Meanings:

2. Indistinguishable mark - combined with #4 below
Location: Head, top, center
Possible Origins: Voodoo
Possible Meanings:
See #4 for description

3. Two circles with a dot
Location: Head, top, left
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

o God
o Sun

2 & 4. Triangle with dots and curlicues
Location: Head front/top, center
Possible Origins: Voodoo
Possible Meanings:

The triangle marking likely combines with number 2 on the picture to form the symbol for Loko in Voodooism.

Loko is regarded as the first and highest of priests. He is the guardian of the deepest secret in Voodoo: the initiation secrets.

5. Chemical formula
Location: Head, top, right
Possible Origins: Chemistry
Possible Meanings:

6. Hearts
Location: Head, side, right
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

7 & 8. Snakes and worm with x's
Location: Forehead, front, right
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:
  1. 's 7, 8 & 7 are all one veves (symbols for) for the Voodoo Loa Damballah Wedo. This image of a doll with various veves for Damballah that correspond to several of Ink's tattoos

From Wikipedia:
In Vodou, Damballah is one of the most important of all the loa (also spelled lwa). Damballah is the Sky God and considered the primordial creator of all life. The veve of Damballah comprises two serpents prominent among other emblems.

Common altar symbols used to represent the Sky God include white cloth, owls, bones, ivory, cotton, and chameleons. As a loa of the Rada nation he is associated with the color white and white is his particular color. His day of the week is Thursday.

Some of his ritual songs indicate that he "carries the ancestors"[1] on his back to Guinea (spiritual home of the Loa, and the afterlife). Damballah's offerings are very simple and he prefers an egg on a mound of flour or salt, but loves everything white. Toni Costonie relates that Priestess Miriam Chamani recommends cold water, milk, coconut, and coconut milk, honey, shea butter, rice, mild cigars, bread, and cookies. Some houses also serve him with anisette and corn syrup while kola nuts are also acceptable.[2] Traditionally, however, it is taboo to give Damballah tobacco or alcohol in any form.

9. 4 Lined x
Location: Forehead center
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

10. 保护
Location: Forehead, center
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:
A compound word written in simplified Chinese. As a noun, it means protection and as a verb means to safeguard, to protect.

11. Chemical formula
Location: Head, middle
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

12. Double diamonds with line through the center
Location: Forehead, center
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

13. Cross with a triangle on top
Location: Forehead, left
Possible Origins: Alchemical
Possible Meanings:

14. Downward arrow with line through the bottom (bird foot)
Location: Eyebrow, left
Possible Origins:
- Runes (the alphabet of Odin), Rune name Algiz
Possible Meanings:
- Defense, protection

15. Indistinguishable
Location: Forehead, left side
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

16. Partial circle
Location: Right cheek
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

17. Eye of Horus
Location: Right cheek, under eye
Possible Origins: Egyptian
Possible Meanings:

From Wikipedia:

As a symbol: There are seven different hieroglyphs used to represent the eye, most commonly "ir.t" in Egyptian, which also has the meaning "to make or do" or "one who does".[5] In Egyptian myth the eye was not the passive organ of sight but more an agent of action, protection or wrath.

The right side of the eye = 1/2
The pupil = 1/4
The eyebrow = 1/8
The left side of the eye = 1/16
The curved tail = 1/32
The teardrop = 1/64

18. Circle with a Horizontal line through it
Location: Right side of nose
Possible Origins:
1. Alchemical
2. Greek
Possible Meanings:
1. Salt
2. Theta

19. 3 lined x
Location: Left side of nose
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

20. Ribbon
Location: Left side of nose
Possible Origins:
- Greek
Possible Meanings:
- Alpha

21. Line with a hook
Location: Right cheek, low
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

22. Centipede
Location: Right upper lip and cheek
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

o In Dream Interpretations: May suggest that you are letting your fears and doubts hinder you from making progress and achieving your goals

23. Staff with a snake
Location: Chin, right side
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

# 23 is also a veve (symbol for) for the voodoo Loa (spirit) Damballah. (See # 7 & 8)

24. Diamond with a line through it
Location: Chin, center
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

25. Inverted v-squiggle line with dots under it
Location: Left cheek, middle
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

26. Indistinguishable
Location: Left cheek, upper portion
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

27. Four pointed x with dots
Location: Right hand, middle finger
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

o Possibly the chaos symbol. There symbol for chaos is four lines in an x but normally ends in arrows. Given the limitations of tattooing on such a small space, the dots at the ends could be representative of the arrows.

28. T
Location: Right hand,
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

29. Possible fish
Location: Right pointer finger, top knuckle
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

30. Indistinguishable
Location: Back of right hand, close to wrist
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

31. Chinese Character
Location: Right pinkie finger
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

32. Chinese Character
Location: Head, right side
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

33. Chinese Character
Location: Right temple
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

Burning Fish (Not pictured)
Possible Origins:
Possible Meanings:

Possible interpretations include:
o Antichrist
o “Sometimes the hand is shown with a fish and burning sea on the palm, which are the alchemical symbols for mercury and sulphur – supposedly key ingredients for the Philosopher’s Stone.”
Attachment 2965
1Head, upper side, viewer's leftSkeletal Molecular SymbolCarbon?
2Head, center topVoodoo symbol/Veve of LokoFirst Houngan (priest)a, b, c
3Head, viewer's rightConcentric ringsUnknown
4Head, upper, viewers rightSkeletal Molecular SymbolUnknown
5 Head, over ear, viewers leftConcentric Hearts, possible veveUnknown
6Forehead, viewer's left, over eyeVoodoo symbol/Veve of DamballahFather, protector of humanse
7Forehead, middle"Simplified Chinese" compound wordNoun: protection
Verb: to safeguard, protect


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