
[top]Wiki statistics

There are 764 total pages in the database. This includes headers, templates, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as content pages. Excluding those, there are 385 pages that are probably legitimate content pages.

There have been a total of 8,092,569 page views, and 4,689 page edits since the wiki was setup. That comes to 6.14 average edits per page, and 1,725.86 views per edit.

[top]User statistics

There are 17,284 registered users, of which 11 (or 0.06%) are administrators.

[top]Most viewed pages

  1. Wiki (446,384 views)
  2. Cast and Crew (354,277 views)
  3. Characters (185,256 views)
  4. Unanswered Questions (125,699 views)
  5. Angel (111,999 views)
  6. Saul (103,478 views)
  7. Michael (91,973 views)
  8. Lizzy (89,321 views)
  9. Jim Gleason (85,068 views)
  10. Burt (81,863 views)