42 - Chasing Ghosts

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"Chasing Ghosts"
Chapter Number42
Number of Parts3
Written byKc Wayland
Episode Details


Last chapter, Datu is picked up from the Water pump, where him, Glenn and Jay were attacked by a group of zombies. Upon their arrival, Michael finds Datu on the floor, with a bite mark, along with the remains of Glenn and Jay. More people start to arrive, first Tanya, Kelly and Victor, then CJ and Pegs. After arguing about the events, it is decided that Datu will continue to repair the Pump before he has to be euthanized. Tanya manages to bring her testing equipment, where she tests to see if Datu is turning. She takes multiple samples, to see how long he has left to live - around a week. deciding to call it a night, Michael and the soldiers bring Datu to a safe house, where they can look after him and take more samples. Datu tells Michael about the attack, and the details of a specific zombie at the ambush: Randy. Michael notices, and tells Datu it is his fault this happened. He goes on to tell Datu about the events of the Water Works, of how he broke his arm. It turns out that after Riley, Datu and Angel escaped, Michael hid from the Behemoth, encountering Randy: a fellow arm reservist and friend, who had been trapped by rubble. After the behemoth left, they attempt to escape the Water works, where a normal zombie jumps on Randy before he can make it to the other side. Michael attempts to pull Randy through, but the rubble collapses, breaking his arm. As Randy turns, Michael is unable to take him out before he turns, and leaves him inside of the room. The next day, Datu continues to repair the Pump, with Michael giving the samples to Tanya, confirming he has around a week left. When Tanya returns to the Mortuary, she finds Saul there, asleep. He wakes up, where Tanya goes to take blood samples from each of them. It seems that their K-18 levels have gone down, where the results of both of them have been going up and down, whereas Datu's results have only gone up. Saul asks about the results from the gas from Ground Zero and the bottles of Follistatin, but Tanya cannot find anything there. Suddenly, they hear someone outside, which they discover is Burt and Riley returning from their hunt for Scratch.

[top]Part 1

Victor and Max are once again helping Datu repair the Water mill. They turn on the pump, but only a cup full of water manages to come out. Datu becomes annoyed, sarcastically wanting to scrap it. Michael asks how hard it should be, as there are similar things everywhere. Datu says that he is trying to do the best he can, as he hasn't done this before. He states that the problems lie in the hole that was drilled, or the pipe that was put in, and kicks it in rage. Victor tries to calm him, and asks him what the biggest problems are. Datu says that it is the pipe, as it is too big. Michael asks how they can fix it, where Datu says more electricity would do it, which defeats the purpose. Victor asks what else, where Michael leaves them to it and decides to take a break, where he wants some water. Victor jokingly offers him the water they got from the pump. Victor looks at the diagram, and thinks that it is wrong. Datu sarcastically replies to him, where Victor thinks it is too much. He questions all of the additions, where Datu says they wanted one that worked without the wind too. Victor says to keep it simple, and that his cousins were able to make it, so he should too. Datu suggests a new method - dropping a smaller pipe inside of the old one, requiring less power to draw water up. Victor leaves Datu and joins Michael on his break, where he notices Datu is moving faster now. Michael asks if he will finish in time, where Victor says he might not know what he is doing, but doesn't understand how he managed to make the Mata gun. Victor tells Datu that the Mata gun has finished having air pressured into it, and asks if it is loaded. Datu tells him no, and tells them how to reload it. Michael wants to try it, where Victor says he is scared of it. Just before he can, he gets a pager, where Puck tells Michael that the found nothing at Ink's old home, and looked deserted from before the Infection started. Michael asks how long they will be, where Puck turns up in view in the Gun truck, which Michael gets annoyed that they didn't keep in contact. Upon their arrival, Datu asks for some help, where Robbins and Carl go to help. Puck continues about what the search discovered, which was nothing of use. Michael checks his notes about possible locations of where Ink would of been, where Victor says that Kelly suggested the Jail where Ink was kept before the court hearing. Puck suggests going there, where Michael has doubts about the protection the .50 Cal would offer them, due to the fact it was a small area. Puck says that they would not have to go deep, just have a quick search. He then suggests taking the Mata gun, where he accidentally points it in the wrong direction. Victor jokes that Michael trusts Puck more than him, as he can't tell which end goes where. They continue to banter, where Michael decides to end it. Puck then goes ask Datu how the Mata gun works. Michael tells Victor not to worry, as the soldiers do this to each other all the time, and that he was just "letting him in". Victor persuades Michael to let them go, and jokes that he was trying to get rid of them.

Datu shows Puck how to load the Mata gun, where Puck then goes to test it. Michael asks if he is okay to use the Mata gun, as he is thinking about letting them go. Puck then takes a practice shot at some discarded wooden boards, where Datu suggests the optimum targeting distance. Puck and the soldiers show surprise at how deadly it is, and asks that Datu should make more of them. Datu asks Carl to hook up the Mata gun again to recharge it. Puck comes back, where they find that the Mata gun managed to hit the blocks behind it too. Victor says there shouldn't be anymore Little ones left, but Michael says it is hard to run out of numbers. Carl suggests that Datu needs help, and should be a priority. Puck asks Robbins to take the Mata gun, where he goes to look like a tough guy, saying that it's nothing. Muldoon says there is a fat joke there, but it is too easy. Victor then retorts a Your Mum joke. Michael asks if they are going, where Puck asks if Victor is coming, but Michael says he needs more than one with him. Puck and the soldiers load up, where Victor goes on to help Datu again, with Max on guard with the .50 Cal. Michael then gets a pager, asking if Puck forgot something, but in fact CJ answers him, telling him that "someone" needs to ask Michael something, where Burt comes onto the radio, asking if "he missed him".

Michael radios Saul that he will be back at the safe house soon, to talk on a secure line, but wants Datu back at the well ASAP. Kelly and Tanya talk about how dirty Burt and Riley's Jeep are, where Lizzy asks what Michael is doing. Saul tells her, and says that Burt and Riley are using all of their clean water. Lizzy asks how they turned up, where Kelly says that they were looking for CJ's notes about the Mallers, but was unsure if she could give the notes to them. Tanya says that was a good call, as they are their friends, but they have gone for a long time, with no communication. Lizzy gets annoyed that they only came back as they wanted something, not because they missed them. Burt comes back, where the four get annoyed that Burt never kept in communication, having a radio with them the whole time, and asks what they have been doing for the past four months. Burt says that he does not trust the Police hand sets, and that they were still on the hunt for Scratch still. Burt says he didn't want to come back until they found her, where they start to ask if it is done, but with Burt saying that it isn't done. Riley then joins them, where Lizzy gets annoyed that Riley didn't even say goodbye. Riley says it was complicated, but that they wanted to, with Lizzy not taking it. Michael then calls, where Kelly dials CJ into the conference too. Burt asks if this line is secure, with Michael saying that the radios were fine too, but yes, asking what they wanted. CJ says that Kelly said they wanted something. Burt starts to explain, but Kelly and Saul want to know where they have been. Burt says that they were looking for Scratch. where Saul shows disappointment as that was all, and that they just "up and went". Burt says he was sorry, but it was something that they had to do. Kelly asks if she is even still alive, where Burt says that he is pretty sure. CJ asks how he is sure, where Burt says they got into a fire fight with a Maller, where he was shouting her name as he bled out. Saul gets annoyed that they have done nothing in four months, where Tanya says he could of just been delirious. Burt says they are covering their tracks, as CJ says they split up, as she predicted. Lizzy says Riley is awfully quiet, where Riley says they should not of come back, as they did not care about looking for Scratch. Tanya says that they are just talking, as there are a lot of blanks to fill out. Kelly shows annoyance at the fact they left as they did in the first place, and there was no reason for it. Burt says it was safer for them, where Lizzy says that they just wanted to run away. Riley says that did they think about the fact that Burt and Riley might not of wanted to be there. Lizzy asks why did they come back then, where Burt again asks for the notes about the Mallers. CJ cuts Burt off, asking Kelly to print it out so they can go away. Michael ask if they can give them any information, as a fair trade, about either the Mallers or Biters. Burt says the Biters have been scarce, and they have found a few dead Mallers, but have found the remnants of their previous camps. Burt gives Kelly his notes, but there are hardly any. Saul says that they don't even know if she is alive, where Burt says that is what she wants them to think, and she is biding her time. Kelly says that she might not even be in the same state anymore, and asks what they have achieved in the last four months. Burt says that it is hard to survive out there alone, where Kelly asks what does he think they have been doing. CJ cuts in, asking Kelly where they got their food and gas came from, and that they are all just "Chasing Ghosts".

They all start to argue, with Michael against CJ, Burt against Tanya, and Riley against Lizzy and Saul. Kelly notices the pager going off, and tries to stop the argument, but it gets deeper, as they cannot hear the pager going off. Eventually, as it keeps going off, Kelly shouts to stop them from arguing. They answer the call, where Puck answers. He asks Michael for help. Michael asks what is wrong, where Puck asks for pick up, and needs a doctor. Michael says they are on their way, where everyone starts to packs up. Tanya asks what about everyone else, so she knows what to bring. Puck tells her that it is just him. Michael asks where everyone else is, where Puck replies, "They're dead".

[top]Part 2

[top]Part 3



"Quote" - Michael in Chapter



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